Matrouh, Egypt Weather
Current: 29.63°C/85.33°F, Wind SW at 22.57 km/h, 60% Humidity, 0% Chance of rain
- Matrouh, Egypt Weather
- Current conditions
- Weather forecast
- Averages and extremes
- Yesterday's Data
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Matrouh over the next 12 hours
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Matrouh in the coming days
- Rainfall in Matrouh in the coming days
- Matrouh Weather Summary
- Weather averages by month
- Matrouh's weather
- Frequently asked questions
- Comments
Current conditions
Condition: Few Clouds
Pressure: 1,012 hPa
Sea level: 1,012 hPa
Temperature: 32.14°C
Cloud: 17%
Humidity: 60%
Wind: NNE 17.57 km/h
Visibility: 10,000 m
30 Day Averages and Extremes
- Average high 30.11°C
- Average low 22.86°C
- Hottest day (12 September 2024) 34.88°C
- Coldest day (04 October 2024) 19.09°C
- Average humidity 66.4%
- Days with precipitation 4 days
- Highest precipitation 0.99 mm (22 September 2024)
Yesterday's Data
- Max: 31°C
- Min: 26°C
- Total Precipitation: 0 mm
Temperature and possibility of rain in Matrouh over the next 12 hours
Temperature and possibility of rain in Matrouh in the coming days
Rainfall in Matrouh in the coming days
Matrouh Climate Summary
Matrouh features a Subtropical desert (Köppen classification: BWh), with an average annual temperature of 21.86ºC (71.35ºF), which is about -3.04% lower than the national average for Egypt. Annually, the city experiences approximately 8.24 millimeters (0.32 inches) of rainfall, spread across 24.63 rainy days, accounting for 6.75% of the year.
Longitude | 31.3543445 |
Latitude | 27.2373159 |
Yearly high temperature | 23.43ºC (74.17ºF) |
Yearly low temperature | 19.01ºC (66.22ºF) |
Hottest month | July 29.09ºC (84.36ºF) |
Coldest month | January 13.2ºC (55.76ºF) |
Yearly precip | 8.24mm (0.32in) |
Days with rainfall | 24.63 days (6.75%) |
Driest month | July (67.94%) |
Wettest month | November (63.68%) |
Weather averages by month
Month | High / Low (°C) | Rain |
January | 16.86° / 13.2° | 5.18 days |
February | 17.77° / 13.79° | 3.0 days |
March | 19.26° / 14.7° | 2.09 days |
April | 21.63° / 16.54° | 1.0 days |
May | 24.69° / 19.45° | 1.45 days |
June | 27.2° / 22.14° | 0.18 days |
July | 29.09° / 23.99° | 0.0 days |
August | 29.86° / 24.76° | 0.0 days |
September | 28.52° / 23.87° | 0.27 days |
October | 25.69° / 21.71° | 2.64 days |
November | 22.11° / 18.77° | 4.0 days |
December | 18.5° / 15.2° | 4.82 days |
Matrouh's weather
- Ad Dab`ah
- Al `Alamayn
- Al Qasabah ash Sharqiyah
- Bahij
- Dawwar al Hajj Raslan
- Dawwar Halis
- Dawwar Khamis
- Dawwar Muhammad Abu Shunaynah
- Dawwar Saqr
- El Hamra
- Garawla
- Kafr Muhammad Abu Rumaylah
- Kafret el Sanagra
- Kafret Habbuni
- Majid Abu Zayd
- Qabr Ghatyaza
- Qaryat Shuruq
- Ras el-Kanayis
- Sidi Barrani
- Zawiyat al Habbabiyah
- Zawiyat Umm ar Rakham
- Zawyet El Hawala
- Izbat Salamah Hijazi
- Abu Haggag
- Abu Shunaynah
- Ad Dabah
- Ad Daraziyah
- Aghurmi
- Al Hammam
- Al Maktilah
- Al Manshiyah
- Al Qasr
- Anza el-Qalala
- Az Zaytun
- Bugbug
- Burj al `Arab
- Dawwar `Abd Allah
- Dawwar Abu Duray`ah `Abd al Karim
- Dawwar Abu Mahrus
- Dawwar al Hajj Ahmad
- Dawwar ash Shuraysat
- Dawwar Hajj as Sayyid Rizq
- Dawwar Hamad
- Dawwar Hasan
- Dawwar Ibrahim Abu Shunaywir
- Dawwar Mas`ud Abu Faraj
- Dawwar Muhammad Abu Shanab
- Dawwar Musadif Yunus
- Dawwar Salih Abu Mas`ud
- Dawwar Shindi Fannush
- Dawwar Siwakah
- Dawwar `Uthman Burayyik
- Fuka
- Galal
- Izbat Mallul
- Izbat Mushandid al Kabirah
- Izbat Tanati
- Izbat Zaydan
- Kafr Abu Habhab
- Kafr Abu Tirhi
- Kafr `Eilet Lauwag
- Kafret Eilet el Taflal
- Kafret `Eilet Imshazz
- Kafret el Sarahna
- Kafret el Tawarsa
- Kafret Hamdan
- Kafret Rihama
- Kafret Saber
- Marsa Matruh
- Naj` al Jur
- Naj` `Azzam
- Qara
- Qaryat Bahij
- Qaryet el Lahamiya
- Qaryet El Qibashi
- Ras Alam el-Rum
- Salum
- Sheikh el Bisri
- Sidi `Abd ar Rahman
- Siwa
- Zawiyat `A'ilat Nuh
- Zawiyat `Abd al Mun`im
- Zawiyat al `Asilah
- Zawiyat al `Awwamah
- Zawiyat al Muthniyan
- Zawiyat at Tarfayah
- Zawyet Ashtur
- Zawyet Eilet Nuh
- Zawyet Sidi Abd el-Ati
- Zawyet Sidi Musa
- Burj al `Arab al Jadidah
- Byut Fadit
- Dawwar `Abd al `Ati Abu `Ajuz
- Dawwar `Abd al Qadir Qasim
Frequently asked questions
1. What is the hottest month in Matrouh?
July has the highest average monthly temperature (daily mean of 29.09ºC) and January are the coolest (daily mean of 13.2ºC).
2. What should I wear in Matrouh today?
For today's very hot weather in Matrouh, with the high temperatures above 31ºC (87.8ºF), consider wearing:
- UV-blocking sunglasses
- Lightweight, loose-fitting shorts
- Sleeveless tops or vests
- High SPF sunscreen for outdoor activities
Comments (0)
- Latest first
- Highest rated
Air quality
Acceptable air quality, some pollutants present, minor health concerns for sensitive individuals
- CO 250.34
- NH3 0
- NO 0
- NO2 4.33
- O3 91.55
- PM10 22.95
- PM25 13.96
- SO2 1.13